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Special Acknowledgements

The Northridge West NC Board awards Certificates of Acknowledgement to those individuals who go above and beyond in their service to the community.  Below is a list of recent recipients:


The Northridge West Neighborhood Council recognizes Mr. Mark Hovater for his contributions to our community. Mark can
regularly be found at community events, such as parades, festivals, park clean ups, grand openings, and more! He is always
behind the scenes creating videos, interviewing people, and capturing footage of events. He shares these video with his
neighbors and helps keep us informed about what’s happening around us. Recently, Mark came to the Northridge West Ice
Cream Social and he created a video featuring our event. We are grateful for his skill and willingness to share his talents
with our Board and the community. Congratulations to Mr. Mark Hovater!


Jill Mather is the founder of Volunteers Cleaning Communities, and Adopt-1-Street organization, two impactful organizations she started in 2020. In short time, Jill and her group of volunteers have taken to the streets, parks, and freeways of our North Los Angeles Valley communities to remove litter and help create a healthier environment.

In 2021 alone, VCC and Adopt-1-Street collected a total of 3,785 bags of litter, removing 54,574 lbs. of litter from our community! In addition to these clean-ups, Jill organizes clean-ups of encampment areas for the unhoused, which has made a difference in keeping our streets safer for businesses and residents alike.

When asked why she pursued activism in beautification efforts, Jill tells us “our children will inherit this earth, and it is a big trashcan right now—I want to do my part in making sure that they do not have to take on all of the issues that we are creating now—and I need to teach them how to do their part when they are young…in order to keep our world clean and beautiful.”

The Northridge West Neighborhood Council proudly supports Jill’s vision for a clean and beautiful world by participating in clean-ups with her volunteer groups, and by participating in the first annual Environmental Awareness Day celebration Jill introduced this past year.

The biggest challenge Jill faces is enlisting the help of volunteers required to make an even greater impact, but she remains hopeful because she believes there are more and more people each day wanting to beautify their communities, they just need awareness that programs like VCC and Adopt 1 Street exist. Jill is committed to accomplishing so much more in this new year, and we are confident she will.

The Northridge West Neighborhood Council is pleased to award Jill Mather with this Certificate of Excellence, for her difference-making work, and commitment to making our community a better place for all!

Frank has been the AYSO Regional Commissioner for Region 795 since March of 2011. Having played soccer in AYSO for 13 years in his childhood and having his son start soccer with AYSO in 2010, it was a natural fit. Under his tenure and with the help of his fellow board members, the region has seen a growth in players, secured new fields for the younger divisions, aligned the local region program fully with the National AYSO program, started the region’s first annual tournament, expanded the region’s Spring Program, had two teams place in the Western State’s Games, and implemented volunteer recognition awards at the yearly Opening Ceremonies…just to name a few region accomplishments.

Besides volunteering his time for his local Region 795, he also volunteers for Area 10V, which serves most of the San Fernando Valley. Frank is also the Assistant Area Director for Area 10V and recently joined the Section 10 board which oversees 8 other Areas from San Luis Obispo to North of Bakersfield and everything in between.

His belief that family and community come first have helped mold Region 795 into what it is today. Frank is thankful to the families, players and volunteers that work with AYSO Region 795. The Northridge West Neighborhood Council is pleased to award this Certificate to a wonderful member of our community, Mr. Frank Gallucci.♦


The Northridge West Neighborhood Council (NWNC) would like to recognize outstanding locals who are caring for our wonderful community by serving our neighbors.  Northridge West exists to serve our neighbors and to encourage our local citizens to take actions that promotes a happier and healthier Northridge West Community for all.  At the October 12, 2021, NWNC General Board Meeting, we will recognize Mr. Peter Lasky – our most recent recipient of the Northridge West Certificate of Recognition.

Mr. Peter Lasky served on the Northridge West Neighborhood Council from 2013-2021, including being elected as President three times, twice as VP, and once term as Secretary.  During his term, Mr. Lasky started the Homelessness Committee, helped coordinate Town Halls on Sober Living Homes, Health Effects of the SoCal Gas Leak, and CD 12 Council Seat elections. He also presided over revisions of bylaws, arranged for purchase and installation of Neighborhood Watch Signs, sponsored free CPR First Aid Class for NWNC stakeholders, and had a drip system installed on the Tampa Median. The NWNC won several awards from VANC and DONE under his leadership. Thank you, Mr. Lasky for your service to Northridge West.♦

The Northridge West Neighborhood Council (NWNC) would like to recognize outstanding locals who are caring for our wonderful community by serving the common good. Northridge West exists to serve our neighbors and to encourage our local citizens to take actions that promote a happier and healthier Northridge West Community for all.

At the May 2021 General Board Meeting, we will recognize Elder Ric Say and the Northridge Christian Church as our latest recipients of the Northridge West Certificate of Recognition.  The Northridge Christian Church has graciously hosted the monthly Board Meetings of the Northridge West Neighborhood Council (NWNC), as needed, for nearly ten years. Prior to the restrictions that moved our public meetings from physical locations onto Zoom, the Northridge Christian Church offered its sanctuary space, chairs and facilities to the anyone who wanted to attend the NWNC meetings. These meetings required set up and clean up that the church faithfully provided free of charge. The meetings often went late, as we discussed pressing matters, and the Northridge Christian Church remained open despite the inconvenience to their staff.

The NWNC appreciates Elder Ric Say and the Northridge Christian Church for their dedication and willingness to serve their neighbors by providing a space for public meetings.

Thank you!♦

Congratulations to Beckford PTA, recipients of the Northridge West Certificate of Acknowledgement. Thank you for being one of the first in our area to reopen and helping volunteer countless hours to make it a success.♦

Michelle Wells, Principal of Callahan Elementary has gone above and  beyond the call of duty in supporting the Northridge West NC. She frequently attended our meetings and assisted us with the audio visual and sound system helping to make our meetings more efficient and professional. On occasion, the meetings ran late and she was gracious to extend our stay.

Michelle would help us clean up and if her custodian left for the night would help us move the fold up cafeteria tables and push them back into the wall. Michelle took on the extra added time and responsibility by joining our Council as our At-large board member, and serving as our Education Committee Chair. We are pleased and delighted to present to Michelle Wells the Northridge West Neighborhood Council Certificate of Acknowledgement for her service to this Board and to the Northridge West neighborhood.♦

Joy Krauthammer: Joy, our long-term NWNC stakeholder, has served as Neighborhood Watch Captain for her neighbors for decades. She handles all of the complaints and concerns, including safety and security issues, needed street repair, sanitation needs, and other notifications that are called in to her from her numerous neighbors, and she effectively directs those issues to the NWNC and the various appropriate City agencies. Some have affectionately dubbed her the “Mother Goose” of her Neighborhood Watch group. She is relentless in seeing that their needs and concerns are reconciled. The NWNC appreciates Joy’s dedication and willingness to serve her neighbors and protect her neighborhood.♦

(Photo  Shel Mosk)

Pat LoPresti: Pat has served the Northridge community for over 20 years and recently worked alongside the NWNC to successfully complete the Oakridge Park dedication project since its inception. Some have described Pat as the “eyes and ears for many years” on issues and concerns that impact the greater Northridge and surrounding communities.

Pat continues to communicate with NWNC about issues related to the security of Oakridge Park, including recent problems with vandalism, graffiti, downed fences, unlocked/locked gates, fire dangers, broken sprinklers, and unauthorized camping on the park grounds. Pat cooperates with her local neighborhood councils and contacts the proper City departments in efforts to resolve concerns and to protect Oakridge Park. She has also been involved in promoting art projects in the area. Pat is truly a vital advocate for the health, safety and beautification of our NWNC neighborhoods. The NWNC applauds her as an individual who is dedicated and involved, and who really LOVES our community!♦