NWNC Continues to Pursue Its Two Biggest Causes: Neighborhood Beautification and Emergency Response
At its October 2016 General Meeting, the Northridge West Neighborhood approved a funding line of $10,000 for the installation of a drip system for the Tampa Medians in an effort to save the trees. The board will be vetting vendors to see who can do the job within the designated budget. The board is asking stakeholders to provide feedback on this project by sending their responses to NWNC President Peter Lasky at or leaving a message at 818-697-0639. Qualified contractors interested in submitting a bid are also invited to contact Mr. Lasky.
NWNC was honored to have Christy Smith, Democratic Candidate for the 38th State Assembly District as our guest speaker. A long-time resident of Santa Clarita, Ms. Smith is a two-term Governing Board Member of the Newhall School District. First elected in 2009, she is currently Board Clerk. In her early career, she was an analyst for the U.S. Depart of Education working on key initiatives such as Safe and Drug Free Schools, School to Work, Parent Involvement in Education and more. She remained active in local education while her family was growing, serving as a PTA and site council member. Ms. Smith is the founding chair of the Valencia Valley Education Foundation and served on the Wm. S. Hart District Advisory Board.
CPR/First Aid
The CPR/First Aid class has proven to be quite popular. All 50 spots have been reserved. We are starting a waiting list. To get on the waiting list contact Bill Fox or Mikkie Loi.
SoCalGas Aliso Canyon Advisory Council
Recently, NWNC President Peter Lasky was invited to join the SoCalGas Aliso Canyon [Community] Advisory Council. As part of its duties, the CAC acts as a sounding board on proposed and existing policies and programs at SoCalGas, provides community perspective and insight on these matters and advises the Gas Company on emerging issues that can impact the company and the communities it serves. Stakeholders who would like more information can contact Lasky at .
Happenings and Concerns in Northridge West
We recently heard from two concerned stakeholders. One sent a letter complaining about CSUN students parking in residential neighborhoods—taking parking spaces from visitors and gardeners and littering the street with garbage from local restaurants. NWNC will hold a meeting to discuss this matter. Stakeholders can check back for the date and time of this meeting, and while on the website can subscribe to the neighborhood council’s e-blasts, which go out twice a month with meeting and community updates. Another stakeholder called about a halfway house being planned on her street, a block from a local school.