By Peter Lasky
The August 2016 meeting of the Northridge West Neighborhood Council featured a talk by Steve Fazio, Republican Candidate for the 27th Senate District, and the approval of several community beautification-related projects. Mr. Fazio’s opponent, Henry Stern, the Democratic candidate for the Senate seat, will speak to us in September.
Fazio Takes Stakeholders Questions
Mr. Steve Fazio, a self-described moderate Republican, who is running for a seat in the California State Senate, spoke passionately about his three areas of concern: safety, schools and taxes. He discussed taking a more common sense business-oriented approach to our district’s problems noting that the burdens of overregulation and the costs put upon small business owners negatively impacts their ability to succeed. Mr. Fazio wants to even the playing field and believes his years of business experience will help bring that to fruition. He also touched upon several other topics including the Aliso Canyon gas leak noting that such environmental catastrophes must be investigated, the three strikes law which he hopes to modify, the creation of more enterprise zones and the expansion of trade schools.
Flag Pole on Reseda
The NWNC joined the Northridge East and South Neighborhood Councils and Northridge Sparkle in passing a $1500 grant for the purchase and installation of a flagpole to mark the southernmost entrance into Northridge. The flagpole is a part of the redevelopment of that corner and the two hills that lead up to the train tracks, being driven by Mayor Eric Garcetti’s Great Streets Initiative.
Community Suggestions
In July we asked residents to tell us about any streets, curbs or potholes that needed repair and we would pass it on to the Los Angeles Bureau of Street Services ”Pot Hole Blitz.” They responded in droves. Bill Fox, chair of the NWNC Public Safety Committee and Treasurer Glen Wilson, submitted the top 15 most-needed repairs. The Bureau narrowed the list down to nine and promised repairs in the next few weeks.
New Signs
The NWNC Board of Directors has approved the purchase of custom signs for “Operation Clean Sweep.” The new sign campaign is meant to generate more community interest in the program from those driving by the NWNC volunteers. Stakeholder Ron Wengler suggested borrowing an idea from Burma Shave, which used road signs to interest motorists in their product. According to NWNC President Peter Lasky, the NWNC Operation Clean Sweep signs will include messaging about who they are and what they do.
NWNC Board At-Large Position Available
Due to a resignation, the NWNC Board currently has an open position for an At-Large seat. Candidates must be over 16 years of age, and resident in Northridge.
Join NWNC, Tuesday, September 13 at Calahan Elementary School, 18722 Knapp St. Meet & Greet starts at 6:00 p.m. and meeting 6:30 p.m.