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Northridge West: Serving the Community One Block at a Time

as seen in the “Community Connection”…

NWNC Plummer Before Cleanup

Before: Chris Williams, an Associate with RE/MAX Olsen and Associates and a former NWNC board member, stands by overgrown foliage on Plummer Street. 

NWNC Plummer After Cleanup

After: The same section of Plummer Street after Operation Clean Sweep was there.

If you’ve noticed your neighborhood is cleaner with less trash and trimmed back foliage, you can thank the Northridge West Neighborhood Council’s Operation Clean Sweep for it. They are out on the streets of Northridge West every Thursday and some Saturdays to make sure that your  neighborhood maintains its curb appeal and property values.

On May 16, NWNC’s Operation Clean Sweep team, including Ron Wengler, Debbie Penmen, Chair of the Beautification Committee Glen Wilson, Rusty Feuer, Chris Williams and Peter Lasky, cleared debris and trash on Plummer Street near the Northridge Mall.

NWNC’s Operation Clean Sweep, which includes members of the NWNC and community members, has made a huge difference in the levels of trash on the sidewalks and streets of the Northridge West area.

“It is hard work knocking down those weeds and cleaning it all up,” noted NWNC President Peter Lasky, but he added, “It’s gratifying at the same time.” To find out more, make suggestions, or to help with the cleanups which occur every Thursday, contact Peter Lasky at

On Saturday, May 28, Lasky and Wilson worked side-by-side with 15 members of the Monroe High School Key Club cleaning gutters, sidewalks, and sewer drains on Wilbur Avenue from Chatsworth Avenue to Tribune Street. NWNC would like to give special thanks to Granada Hills’ Key Club member Jenna Mattinson for helping to set up the event.

Public Service Notice

On July 27, 2016 the Bureau of Street Services will have a Small Asphalt Repairs (SAR) truck in the Northridge West area to perform minor asphalt repairs. To better prioritize the repairs, the bureau is asking community members for suggestions. Please forward your suggestions to the Chair of our Public Safety Committee Bill Fox () or to board President Peter Lasky at before our next general meeting on July 12. We will randomly choose 15 suggestions to submit to the Bureau of Street Services. We must email the list to the Bureau of Street Services by 7/20/16.

Join NWNC, Tuesday, July 12 at Calahan Elementary School, 18722 Knapp St. Meet & Greet starts at 6:00 p.m. and meeting 6:30 p.m.

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