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Breaking The Cycle Dealing With Domestic Violence


Hello Devonshire Community,

I want to inform you about a growing concern in our community regarding Domestic Violence. Devonshire Division is experiencing a 62% increase in Aggravated Assaults, which includes Domestic Violence, Road Rage incidents, Battery, and Assault with a Deadly Weapon, just to name a few. Most of these assaults are Domestic Violence related.

Domestic violence is more than just a “family problem;” it is a crime. The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) recognizes that domestic violence is a major problem in Los Angeles County and throughout the United States. Each year, more than a million women are the victims of domestic violence, and one million children are physically abused.

In California, it is a crime for any person to threaten, beat, sexually assault or otherwise harm another person, even if they are married. Battering is not exclusively a crime against women, but they are the majority affected.

One of every two families in the United States is involved in domestic violence at some time. Domestic violence is a repetitive pattern in people’s lives. Victims or witnesses of domestic violence in childhood are most likely to repeat such acts as adults.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, now is the time to start thinking about protecting yourself. Calling the police, telling a friend, or contacting a shelter is the first step. Please don’t wait until it is too late. Many studies show that an uninterrupted cycle of violence only worsens over time. Hotlines and shelters are there to be used and counseling is available. It’s as close as a phone call and it’s free.

Domestic Violence: Emergency Referral Services and Hotlines Los Angeles County (800) 978-3600

Los Angeles: (213) 686-0950

San Fernando Valley: (818) 501-4447

TDD: (800) 660-4026

LA Rape and Battering Hotline, LACAAW (213) 626-3393 or (310) 392-8381

Southern CA Coalition on Battered Women (213) 655-6098

Take care and be safe!

Sr. Lead Officer Parker

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