45th Assembly candidate, Matt Dababneh, will face off against his challenger, Susan Shelley. The two will meet at a Candidates Forum and debate organized by a coalition of five Neighborhood Councils in concert with the League of Women’s Voters. This is the latest indication of the growing influence of the NCs. Event organizer and Northridge West Board Member, David Jason Uranga, explains. “We are very proud to sponsor this important candidates forum and debate. Working with the League of Women’s Voters and the other NCs enhances NC credibility and attracts even more stakeholders. This debate may be the best chance for voters to get a last look at the 45th Assembly District candidates before the elections in November. ” The Candidates face off will be followed by the League of Women Voters presentation of the Water Bond (referred to as Proposition 1) and Propositions 46 on medical malpractice lawsuit limitations and 48 on Indian gaming compacts.
The Candidates Forum takes place October 6, 2014 at the Northridge Women’s Club between 6:00 and 9:00 PM. Parking on Lassen Street is free and light refreshments will be served.
For more information about the forum contact:
David Jason Uranga