Hi, Everybody
Just wanted to quickly remind you about the 5th Annual Disaster Preparedness Fair being held next Saturday on October 6, 2012 between 11AM to 3PM at Los Angeles Fire Station #87 located at 10124 Balboa Boulevard Granada Hills, CA 91344.
The event is meant to raise awareness to the importance of being better prepared for emergencies and disasters in case one strikes.
Vendors such as the American Red Cross, LADWP, Southern California Gas Company, Chick-Fil-A, Facey Medical Center, Northridge Hospital Medical Center, SOS Survival Products, Salvation Army, LAPD, LSD, CHP, LAFD, Old Granada Hills Residents Group, Cal-E-M-A, LA County vector Control District, US Navy, US Marines, Coast Guard Auxiliary, US Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol. Republic Services, Pet Safe Coalition, Emergency Pet Preparedness, Yogi Bear “Shakey-Quakey” Schoolhouse, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Video Game Parties 2 U will be present to provide you information and resources to help you, your family, neighbors and businesses be prepared in case a disaster strikes.
So make sure to mark your calendar for next Saturday October 6, 2012 between 11AM to 3PM as Northridge West, Northridge East, Northridge South Granada Hills North, Granada Hills South, Lake Balboa, Chatsworth, North Hills West, Porter Ranch, Mission Hills, and Reseda Neighborhood Councils and Councilman Mitch Englander bring you the 5th Annual Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair at Los Angeles Fire Station #87 located at 10124 Balboa Blvd Granada Hills CA 91344
A special appearance of the “MOAB”, as pictured here and otherwise known as the Mother of All Bar-B-Ques will be on site to produce some of the finest hamburgers and hot dogs in LA. Be prepared to cast your vote for the Best Chef amongst the politicians on hand as we put them though the rigors of Cook or be Cooked.
Any questions give me a call @ 818-599-3435
Tom Johnson
Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair
Saturday, October 6, 2012 11:00 am – 3:00 pm at Fire Station 87—10124 Balboa Bl. (between Devonshire & Lassen)
The Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair is a joint Whole Community event to help bring awareness to being better prepared for emergencies and disasters.