Home / Featured / NWNC Operation Clean Sweep this Saturday October 8, 2011

NWNC Operation Clean Sweep this Saturday October 8, 2011


Saturday from 7 am until about 11 am on the north side of Devonshire Street just west of Tampa Avenue.
Park on Blackhawk (just north of Devonshire). Map and Photo below:
http://maps.google.com/maps?q=19301+Devonshire+Street,+Ca&hl=en&ll=34.257287,-118.553703&spn=0.007094,0.014677&sll=34.257287,-118.551407&sspn=0.007094,0.014677&vpsrc=0&hnear=19301+Devonshire+St,+Northridge,+California+91324&t=m&z=16Now bringing back occasional Saturday clean ups which was due to a clamoring from many who wish to help on weekends.
Bring your gloves. Northridge West Neighborhood Council (NWNC) provides the refreshments.
Help us make Northridge shine!
In June 2010, Tom Johnson started Operation Clean Sweep, and since then, volunteers have cleaned many Northridge parkways multiple times. They have filled thousands of bags with debris.  Northridge has never looked so good.Join this amazing campaign, and make new friends that have a common goal.
What can be better than free exercise with guaranteed immediate results? (Beautiful parkways)
Why do you need a gym membership when you have Operation Clean Sweep?If you are not able to perform this work then you can distribute “Did You Know” letters signed by Councilman Mitch Englander informing adjacent owners they are responsible for parkway maintenance. Contact me to let me know if you will deliver letters. We look forward to meeting you this Saturday.
Check up on updates of Operation Clean Sweep regular Thursday or/& occasional Saturday on NWNC’s website: www.northridgewest.org or Councilman Mitch Englander website www.cd12.org

Please forward this email to friends and neighbors and tell them about Operation Clean Sweep.

Jo Ann Phillips

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