With four 14-0 votes, the California Citizens Redistricting Commission has released its first round of draft maps for Congressional, State Assembly, State Senate and Board of Equalization districts.
The Commission is now soliciting public comment on the draft districts. We encourage stakeholders of the Northridge West Neighborhood Council and of the North Valley in general to review the changes, which are significant with regards to the proposed State Assembly and State Senate districts. Whether you approve of the new districts or have concerns, the commission would like to hear from you.
Testimony can be submitted online by email at:
or by mail to the Citizens Redistricting Commission, 901 P Street, Suite 154-A, Sacramento, CA 95814 or by FAX at 916-651-5711.
The Commission will be holding 11 public input hearings in June 2011 on the draft maps. The hearing schedule and the draft maps can be found at the Commission’s website at: www.wedrawthelines.ca.gov.