To all Northridge Stakeholders:
Happy Holiday and a Merry Christmas to you and your families.
See more photos from this day’s events HERE.
I want to thank all of you that have come out during these last twenty five weeks to help make Northridge a nicer place to live, work, play and learn. Your efforts were instrumental in collecting and disposing of more than 1,000 bags of trash covering approximately 6.8 miles. You are shining examples of how a group of individuals working together can make a positive change to improve the quality of life in a community one block at a time.
I would also like to thank the dedicated volunteers that came out Saturday in the pouring rain in support of Operation Clean Sweep along Devonshire, Tunney and Tampa Avenue. The unrelenting storm and piles of debris in front of the catch basins diverted our mission from a survey/planning observation to a Repaid Response Team thrusted into cleaning out numerous catch basins along Tunney and Devonshire Streets. All the catch basins we encountered yesterday were so badly clogged with plastic bottles, cans, pine cones, pine needles, weeds, vegetation and debris that much of the water flowing towards the catch basins flowed out into the oncoming vehicle traffic creating safety hazards for passing motorist.
After the planning phase and the mission defined Ron (a.k.a Paul Bunion) Wengler, Encino Council Member Glenn Bailey and Northridge Rocks author Teri Grossman began exploring the depths of the unknown within the catch basins pulling out clumps of weeds, bottles, pine cones, pine needles blocking the entrances to the storm drains along Tunney and Devonshire Streets while Leaf Blowing Operator Joann Phillips, Dick The Donut Man Rippey and The Incredible Hulk Craig Michayluk worked clearing the streets and gutters of the pine needles and debris along Tunney and Devonshire Streets.
These individuals went beyond the commitment of neighborhood pride and participation by braving the pouring rain to ensure the safety and public welfare of the community was adequately maintained by removing the debris clogging the catch basins. These acts of community involvement can only be characterized as Honorary Community Activists dedicated to keeping our community clean and green while demonstrating that as a united community we can build a safer environment in which to live, work, play and learn.
I would also like to thank all our past and present men and women in uniform as well as their families for their sacrifices to protect and maintain our freedoms and security.
On behalf of the Northridge West Neighborhood Council we wish you and your families the blessings of warmth and good cheer this holiday season Happy Holidays.
Tom Johnson
President, Northridge West Neighborhood Council
PS: Please note that the next Operation Clean Sweep will be held on Saturday January 8, 2011 at the corner of Tampa and Tunney Avenue as we prepare the area for the HUGE January 15th 2011 event that will cover Tampa, Devonshire, and Tunney Avenues.