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Northridge West Neigborhood Council Operation Clean Sweep – Week 23 Results

To all Northridge Stakeholders:

I want to thank all the volunteers that came out this past weekend in support of the Khris Kringle Clean Sweep Operations along Wilbur Avenue. With your help and that of the elves we were able to clean sweep the east side of Wilbur Avenue from the 118 Freeway to Kenya Street. It took no time for Paul Bunion and his side kick Dick the Donut Man Rippery to identify and eliminate a huge and nasty pine needle infested bush impacting the path of travel just north of Kenya Street. Supporting Mr. Bunion and his trustee side kick Rippery were – (Where’s my Leaf Blower) JoAnn Phillips, Ah Yea (Robert Wilson) and Majestic (Marlene) along with our two newest elves to Operation Clean Sweep Sher Hogan and Joe Oswald.

Having no part of waiting around the Energizer Bunny Sumeko Mukasa, the I’ll Meet You There Rick Mervis, Northridge Rocks author Teri Grossman, Where’s my Bspice Sis Sammy J, Traffic Controller Mike (a.k.a Warren) Spurlock along with Saint Nick’s double Craig Michayluk cleared the way up to the abandon lot just shy of the 118 Freeway. The efforts exhibited by these North Pole visionaries are greatly appreciated and demonstrates that by working together we are having fun while building unity within our community one block at a time.

I would also like to thank Joann Phillips, Teri Grossman, Ron & Marlene Wengler and Dick Rippey for their hard work and commitment in cleaning up Devonshire Street on Thursday mornings. The efforts of Jamie and Sherry Ramstead for all their efforts to clean up the east side of Wilbur Street between Nordhoff and Dearborn.

With your help and that of the new elves that have been increasingly stepping up and joining Operation Clean Sweep we are meeting the challenge to push back the blighted streets of this great city by demonstrating actions speak louder than words and that volunteering time and energy is fun and helps build a close knit neighborhood committed to a cleaner, greener and safer community that we all can be proud of.
Tom Johnson
Northridge West Neighborhood Council

PS: Next Saturday’s (12/11/10) operations will be along the West side of Wilbur Avenue south of the 118 Freeway and Kenya Street.

PSS: This Saturday (12/11/10) Please mark your calendar for December 14th at 7pm to attend the Northridge West Neighborhood Councils Board/Holiday Outreach meeting located at Beckford Elementary School on 19130 Tulsa Street Northridge, CA 91326

PSSS: Attached is a flyer from our sister NC, Lake Balboa Neighborhood Council, identifying numerous Emergency Preparedness Items that would make great gifts for the holiday and could save a life. In an effort to educate and train our stakeholders in earthquake preparedness I have contacted Mrs. Linda Pruett from Lake Balboa NC and LAFD and will be providing dates in the early part of next year for those individuals wanting to be trained and certified in CERT/First Aid/CPR.

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