To all Northridge Stakeholders:
Short story! Around 7AM, fearing that volunteers may not have received the email this morning canceling today’s scheduled Operation Clean Sweep, I drove to Chatsworth and Tampa Avenue planning to inform those that arrived that the event was canceled due to the rain. Well sure enough the first volunteer (Dick Rippey) with hot coffee and donuts showed up to kick off a UCLA tail gate breakfast in the rain. Within a few minutes another volunteer Teri Grossman showed up and joined us for breakfast only to observe the storm drain on Tampa Ave just north of Chatsworth Street was plugged up creating a safety hazard for traffic traveling south along Tampa. Given Teri’s distinctiveness for safety she immediately began reaching down past her elbow into the murky waters pulling up chucks of debris that was clogging up the storm drain. Not to be thought of as slackers Dick and I immediately pulled up our sleeves and joined Mrs. Grossman in clearing out all the debris so the water on Tampa could drain into the storm drain thereby preventing a possible accident. Once that mission was completed and now dressed up in custom tailored plastic bag rain suits Teri and Dick proceeded north along Tampa Avenue picking up car parts, plastic bottles, cans, pine needles, tree bark, etc. blocking the gutters and sidewalks. As the dynamic duo continued filling trash bag after trash bag three additional volunteers (Glen Wilson, Chris and Allen Williams) arrived and jumped right into action picking up the trash bags lining Tampa and stacking them along Chatsworth Street.
Click here for a photo gallery of our fearless volunteers!
The Unbelievably and Incredible dedication and commitment exhibited by these and so many other volunteers, stakeholders and city staff workers who have joined Operation Clean Sweep make me proud and thankful to have met and worked with so many great individuals. You have demonstrated by your actions that Northridge is a great place to live, work, play and learn. That by joining hands and working together we are having fun, making new friends, meeting new neighbors and improving the safety and beauty of our community one block at a time.
On behalf of Northridge West Neighborhood Council I want to wish all the volunteers, stakeholders, Councilman Smith, his entire staff, LA City Sanitation and our sister Neighborhood Councils, the staff, students and parents of Beckford Elementary School, Club Scout Pack 911, DONE a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Holiday.
Tom Johnson
Northridge West Neighborhood Council