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Northridge West Neigborhood Council Operation Clean Sweep – Week 15 Recap

To all Northridge Stakeholders:

A Great Weekend turn out with excellent progress last Saturday! Pastor Steve Cook and all the parishioners from Northridge Christian Church along with Councilmen Smith’s volunteers joined forces with Operation Clean Sweeps Dream Team of volunteers that brought the pine needles raining down during this weekend’s clean up operations. Close to 100 bags of fire fuel (pine needles) were raked up and bagged for disposal making this portion of Northridge cleaner and safer for all those stakeholders living within the immediate area.

I would like to thank Greig Smith and his staff for organizing this event and for all the support his entire staff provides us each and every day and weekend. Secondly I’d like to thank Pastor Steve Cook and all the parishioners of Northridge Christian Church that gave up their Saturday to come out in support of this past weekend’s Operation Clean Sweep. These angels of kindness were shining examples of a gifted congregation committed to connecting with the community in a lasting and spiritual way. Their determination and commitment gives us the faith and encouragement to continue working together as a community united in making Northridge a cleaner, greener and safer places to live, learn, work and play.

A special thank you to Sumiko Mukasa, Dick the Donut Man Rippey (Excellent Donuts), Juativa and Warren (a.k.a.Mike) Spurlock, Glen, Robert, Martha Wilson, Dynamite Debbie Penman, Chris and Allen Williams, The Johnson Sisters, Kelly Lord from our sister Northridge East Neighborhood Council, Power Tool Crazy Joann Phillips, the Honorable Teri Grossmen, Incredible Hulk Craig Michayluk and his two beautiful children. It is with your continued commitment and dedication each and every Saturday that demonstrates to the entire City that stepping up to the plate means tackling problems with actions not complaints and gives true meaning that actions speak louder than words. I am honored and proud to be amongst your ranks of wanting to be the best of the best. Thank you.

You can view photos of this Clean Up Event HERE.

This upcoming Saturday’s (10/16/10) Clean Sweep Operation will put us back on the east side of Tampa Avenue between Germain and Atlanta Streets where we will continue cleaning up operations in our quest to reach the 118 Freeway. I will be sending out Saturday’s announcement tomorrow.

In closing, I would like to thank all of the Stakeholders, Board Members, Candidates for Office, Representatives of those in Office, and anyone that I didn’t mention for attending last night’s Northridge West Neighborhood Council Meeting. It was a well atteded and constructive meeting touching on front and foremost issues facing Northridge West community and the Neighborhood Council. For those that were unable to attend and/or missed last night’s meeting there will be a food drive this Saturday 10/16/10 sponsored by Jamie and Sherry Ramstead with Keller Williams Realtor of Northridge between the hours of 10AM to 3PM. Food and/or donations can be dropped off at 9324 Reseda Blvd on the east side of the street just south of Plummer and just north of Prairie Streets. Anyone having questions can contact Jamie or Sherry Ramstead at 818-577-8050. Thank you.

Tom Johnson
Northridge West Neighborhood Council

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